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AICG Articles | Public

Showing 1–10 of 46 articles
Safety culture in healthcare
Safety culture in healthcare

In this webinar, Sarah Fischer, Director of Culture & Capability at Safer Care Victoria discussed the elements that make up a safety culture; the steps to safety culture maturation, the signs that indicate success and how culture is influenced at a local level.

Safety Culture
Short Notice Assessments - How to Survive the Jump from Healthcare's Burning Platform

In his 1993 book, Managing at the Speed of Change, Daryl Connor wrote about the 1988 North Sea Piper Alpha oil rig fire – a fatal explosion of an oil drilling platform in which one survivor had to choose to jump into a sea of burning oil rather than burn on the platform. He coined the term “burning platform” as a metaphor to explain the necessity of change despite the fear of the unknown consequences. For healthcare, this metaphor aligns nicely to describe the introduction of short-notice assessments.

Clinical governance
Accreditation-related resources for managers and senior leaders
Accreditation-related resources for managers and senior leaders

Here is a list of resources to help managers and senior leaders help their teams become accreditation-ready every day.

'Everyday' Clinical Leadership: A Foundation for Successful Clinical Governance

Clinical leadership has long been an aspiration for acute care services. When wielded effectively, it is a key lever in creating consistently high quality care, and can also contribute to greater job satisfaction. But clinical leadership can also be just another buzz term, not dissimilar to ‘person-centred,’ as something everyone likes to think they both understand and enact. As with ‘person-centred’ care, clinical leadership is easy to talk about, powerful when effective, but hard to get right in practice.

Investing in People and Systems – Western Health’s Clinical Governance Philosophy
Investing in People and Systems – Western Health’s Clinical Governance Philosophy

Western Health is growing at a rapid rate; the organisation has doubled in size in the last five years and is likely to double again within the next six. This growth is the result of adding new services, such as becoming a designated mental health service by July 2023 and amalgamating with other smaller services, such as Djerriwarrh Health.

Like any organisation undergoing rapid growth, Western Health is focused on the scalability of the organisation, particularly when it comes to clinical governance. 

Acute care
Clinical governance
Quality Improvement Demystified
Quality Improvement Demystified

In this webinar, Bernie Harrison, Director, Improvement Academy explains the history of quality improvement (QI) and how to translate QI theories to clinical work. Participants will develop awareness of how to use QI methods to improve three classes of outcomes; cost, complications/adverse events and client experience/service measures.

Four Clinical Governance Rabbit Holes To Avoid
Four Clinical Governance Rabbit Holes To Avoid

Download the Four Clinical Governance Rabbit Holes to Avoid paper for free.

Aged care
Clinical governance
Applying technology can both help and hinder patient safety
Applying technology can both help and hinder patient safety

Technological advances have opened new possibilities for improving patient safety. Using technology to digitize healthcare processes has the potential to increase standardisation and efficiency of clinical workflows, and to reduce errors and cost across all healthcare settings. However, if technological approaches are designed or implemented poorly, the burden on care providers can increase.

Aged care
Clinical governance
Risk management
Should violation of consumers’ emotional safety be a ‘never event’?
Should violation of consumers’ emotional safety be a ‘never event’?

We think of consumer safety primarily in terms of physical harm. But consumers often conceptualise safety as ‘feeling safe’, as well as ‘being safe’.  

Violating a consumer’s emotional safety while avoiding physical harm is not yet embedded in consumer safety reporting. We know that consumers can experience emotionally harmful experiences as they navigate health services, such as: disregard for their opinion, not being listened to, rudeness and abuse. Are we doing consumers and families a disservice by ignoring or denying harm that doesn’t fit our organisational definition?

Psychological Safety
Industry reports on safety and quality
Industry reports on safety and quality

Review the latest industry reports on safety and quality.

AICG members can easily find industry reports spanning various sectors, states and countries. Browse our carefully curated list of reports below. 

Showing 1–10 of 46 articles

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