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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 12 articles
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall

There are many benefits of enhancing consumer and staff satisfaction in human services, but something we don’t often discuss is the potential financial advantage. Creating a great experience for both consumers and staff can be viewed as a professional and ethical imperative; and also as a strategic business investment.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Job satisfaction
Person-centred care
Do digital hospitals work for clinical staff?
Do digital hospitals work for clinical staff?

Investment in digital health is advancing rapidly. In 2020, the total global funding for digital health was the highest recorded at US $26.5 billion. A global appetite for digital health, fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated rapid adoption of point-of-care technological solutions, including telehealth, has driven the digital disruption of health care.

Digital health
Job satisfaction
Beyond feedback:  a ‘ladder’ of consumer participation to guide consumer partnership evolution
Beyond feedback: a ‘ladder’ of consumer participation to guide consumer partnership evolution

A ready reckoner for evolving consumer engagement from ‘informing’ to ‘empowering’. Includes a meaningful ‘promise’ to consumers at each participation level that clarifies the outcome of achieving each engagement level.

Clinical governance
Consumer partnerships
Are your consumer partnerships strong? This classification of ‘strength of consumer engagement in safety’ will help you find out
Are your consumer partnerships strong? This classification of ‘strength of consumer engagement in safety’ will help you find out

Consumers’ perspectives and active engagement are critical to making health systems safer and more person-centred. Consumers, families, caregivers and the community can contribute towards improving care-related safety at the clinical (local), institutional (e.g., hospital, nursing home), community (e.g., primary care, home care) and national (in the development of national policies) levels of healthcare systems.

Clinical governance
Consumer partnerships
Three levers to increase consumer satisfaction in outpatients – and beyond
Three levers to increase consumer satisfaction in outpatients – and beyond

Where do we start to increase consumer satisfaction in a seemingly endless sea of consumer touchpoints? Sometimes we put a lot of time and effort into improving things with little satisfaction or ‘bang for buck’. Sometimes we focus on what we think the problems are from our interpretation of feedback data – which may or may not reap satisfaction benefits. There are also confounding factors such as consumer age and health status that can confuse and tilt results.

Clinical governance
Consumer partnerships
Better practice complaint handling guide
Better practice complaint handling guide

The critical importance of complaint handling is as strong as ever. Being able to raise a grievance or complaint is a fundamental human right. Engaging effectively and respectfully with complaints is about engaging effectively and respectfully with the community and being willing to improve the quality of care.

Consumer partnerships
Person-centred care
Compassionate care bundle
Compassionate care bundle

Compassionate care is central to person-centred care. Along with the safety and cost reductions associated with person-centred care, placing the person at the centre of their care and keeping them informed is the right thing to do.

Consumer partnerships
Person-centred care
Guide to informed decision-making in healthcare
Guide to informed decision-making in healthcare

This Guide is a reference tool to support practitioners in understanding the complex ethical and legal requirements surrounding informed decision-making about healthcare.

Consumer partnerships
Person-centred care
The VCCC Alliance consumer engagement toolkit
The VCCC Alliance consumer engagement toolkit

Consumer involvement in our care organisations ensures a measurable increase in knowledge and skill, enhances problem-solving, introduces new ways of looking at and doing things; and ultimately gives organisations greater adaptability in a changing environment.

Consumer partnerships
Person-centred care
The AHHA Experience Based Co-Design Toolkit
The AHHA Experience Based Co-Design Toolkit

The Experience-Based Co-Design Toolkit provides a convenient reference to equip those working in the health sector with the tools and approaches to bring consumers and health workers together in an authentic and equal partnership to co-design care to deliver an improved experience.

Consumer partnerships
Person-centred care
Showing 1–10 of 12 articles
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