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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 53 articles
Meeting the consumer directed care challenge in aged care
Meeting the consumer directed care challenge in aged care

Consumer-directed care, consumer-centred care, consumer-focused care - whatever terms are used in your sector - remains a work in progress across human services.  Some sectors have embraced and refined their approach to consumer decision-making and partnerships over many years; for others it remains a current challenge.  Aged care, in particular, demonstrates some unique barriers to partnering with consumers in their care, as highlighted by this systematic review which examined the evidence relating to consumer-directed care (CDC) in the aged care environment.  

Aged care
What your sector needs to know about Clinical Governance in 2025
What your sector needs to know about Clinical Governance in 2025

In this webinar, Beverley Sutton (CEO of HEAL and AICG) will take a look at what is likely to impact care in 2025 and what you will need to do to support your staff to get the best from their professional development opportunities to improve patient outcomes.

Clinical governance
 I am responsible: Your role in clinical governance
I am responsible: Your role in clinical governance

In healthcare, keeping the people who are receiving care safe is not the responsibility of just one person, team, or department. It’s also not just the responsibility of those delivering the care—it falls on all of us. Whether you’re in leadership, at the point-of-care, or supporting the care process behind the scenes, you have a role to play in ensuring that the people being cared for in your organisation are safe.

Clinical governance
Barriers to reporting clinical deterioration - and how to remove them
Barriers to reporting clinical deterioration - and how to remove them

Clinical deterioration is a key risk for any organisation providing clinical care. This qualitative study investigates how three organisational influences - leadership, culture and hierarchies -  impact healthcare professionals' readiness to raise concerns about patient deterioration. 

Clinical governance
Clinical risk
Safety Culture
Consistently great care requires great systems to support people to be great
Consistently great care requires great systems to support people to be great

Over the past three decades, many health systems have sought to enhance care delivery. Despite various approaches such as quality improvement and lean management these efforts can fall short. Failures are often attributed to leaders and workers not doing the right things. This article argues that the real quality problems lie in the underlying systems staff work with. It says that human service organisations will be more successful if they focus on designing systems that support the delivery of high-quality care, rather than trying to fix the people working within them.

Clinical governance
Complex adaptive systems
Continuous improvement
Job satisfaction
Systems Thinking
An effective safety culture requires safety sub-culture design
An effective safety culture requires safety sub-culture design

‘Safety culture is like a garden: to bloom, it must be planned, planted and  tended.’ This is a key message from a systematic review of safety culture and an excellent reminder that culture is never ‘set and forget’.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical risk
Job satisfaction
Psychological Safety
Safety Culture
To reduce healthcare quality variation, focus on the process
To reduce healthcare quality variation, focus on the process

Variation in healthcare quality is an ongoing issue. This study seeks to understand how differences in hospital practices and policies can lead to disparities in consumer outcomes and overall care quality. The authors compared process and outcome measures to detect variation and characteristics of hospitals with lower variation.

Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk
Safety culture in healthcare
Safety culture in healthcare

In this webinar, Sarah Fischer, Director of Culture & Capability at Safer Care Victoria discussed the elements that make up a safety culture; the steps to safety culture maturation, the signs that indicate success and how culture is influenced at a local level.

Safety Culture
Short Notice Assessments - How to Survive the Jump from Healthcare's Burning Platform

In his 1993 book, Managing at the Speed of Change, Daryl Connor wrote about the 1988 North Sea Piper Alpha oil rig fire – a fatal explosion of an oil drilling platform in which one survivor had to choose to jump into a sea of burning oil rather than burn on the platform. He coined the term “burning platform” as a metaphor to explain the necessity of change despite the fear of the unknown consequences. For healthcare, this metaphor aligns nicely to describe the introduction of short-notice assessments.

Clinical governance
Accreditation-related resources for managers and senior leaders
Accreditation-related resources for managers and senior leaders

Here is a list of resources to help managers and senior leaders help their teams become accreditation-ready every day.

Showing 1–10 of 53 articles

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