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AICG Articles

Showing 1–7 of 7 articles
Stories that transform: A guide to storytelling in healthcare
Stories that transform: A guide to storytelling in healthcare

This storytelling guide is a guide for consumers and their support network who want to share their stories in such a way that they transform the human experience in healthcare. While storytelling is a powerful way to convey experiences in all areas of life, in health and human services it is vital for those advocating for change. 

Clinical governance
A further step towards true partnership: consumer engagement in the diagnostic process
A further step towards true partnership: consumer engagement in the diagnostic process

Historically, consumers have been passive recipients of healthcare services, receiving diagnoses and treatments without active involvement. Recently, that has changed, with co-design and person-centred care part of the treatment process. However, diagnosis has rarely been a domain for partnership (other than in history taking). The article identifies several challenges to consumer involvement, including communication barriers, lack of fit for purpose information, and mistrust or fear or health professionals.

Clinical governance
Person-centered care
Lightbulb moment: The one word that transformed consumer focus
Lightbulb moment: The one word that transformed consumer focus

In this Lightbulb Moment webinar, Dr Cathy Balding and her guest, Alex Cockram, discuss Alex's "ah-ha!" moment about the one word that transformed consumer focus.

Highlighting the impact of incorrect patient identification is fundamental to correcting the problem
Highlighting the impact of incorrect patient identification is fundamental to correcting the problem

Correct identification of patients has been recognised as a critical safety issue for many years. A recent report from the UK’s Health Services Safety Investigation Body (HSSIB), compiles evidence from various investigations and sources to explore the factors contributing to patient misidentification in healthcare. The report defines 'positive patient identification' as the accurate identification of a patient to ensure they receive the correct care. Whereas, 'patient misidentification' occurs when a patient is wrongly identified as someone else, leading to potential harm from incorrect or missed treatment.

Clinical governance
Clinical risk
Person-centred care
Safety Culture
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall

There are many benefits of enhancing consumer and staff satisfaction in human services, but something we don’t often discuss is the potential financial advantage. Creating a great experience for both consumers and staff can be viewed as a professional and ethical imperative; and also as a strategic business investment.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Job satisfaction
Person-centred care
Strategies for engaging older people in research for improvement
Strategies for engaging older people in research for improvement

This Perspectives Brief from the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association’s Deeble Institute examines approaches to observations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The authors of this Perspectives Brief note that the Royal Commission ‘identified the need to improve the delivery of health care to meet the needs of older persons and their carers’ and that the ‘greater involvement of older persons and their carers in research to develop solutions was recommended.’

Aged care
Opening a Heart Hospital
Opening a Heart Hospital

In this webinar, Prof Steve Nicholls discussed the challenges and opportunities faced in opening Australia’s first dedicated Heart Hospital, integrating clinical cardiology services, research and education to create a centre of excellence.

Showing 1–7 of 7 articles

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