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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 17 articles
Morbidity and Mortality Meetings – Framework and Toolkit
Morbidity and Mortality Meetings – Framework and Toolkit

Safer Care Victoria has developed a framework and toolkit to guide Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) meetings to provide health services with a systems-based and Just Culture approach to M&M case reviews and discussions.  

Clinical audit
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk management
The benefits of investing in clinical leaders and managers
The benefits of investing in clinical leaders and managers

Evidence supporting the association between high organisational performance and the presence of clinicians in senior leadership and management roles is steadily growing. Clinical involvement in organisational leadership has been positively linked to operational efficiency and care quality improvements. This in-depth research report from The Health Foundation looks at what the NHS can gain from strengthening clinical leadership and management, the challenges involved in doing so and how they might be overcome. 

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Relationships can make or break consumer and staff safety
Relationships can make or break consumer and staff safety

The role of healthcare leaders is becoming increasingly complex and carries significant responsibility for consumer and employee safety. Leaders and managers often experience tension between adhering to regulatory standards and addressing the unique needs of their consumers and staff.  This dual focus can lead to a fragmented effort, where Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), with a focus on workers, and Quality and Patient Safety (QPS), with a focus on consumers, operate in silos rather than as integrated components of a cohesive safety strategy.

Clinical leadership
Safety Culture
Is there enough ‘clinical’ in clinical governance?
Is there enough ‘clinical’ in clinical governance?

Is clinical governance lagging behind corporate  governance, despite years of focus? This article argues that healthcare governance and management are still skewed towards corporate and administrative functions. 

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Does 'professionalising' patient safety roles make a difference?
Does 'professionalising' patient safety roles make a difference?

In Australian health services, roles that support consumer safety are a mix of trained specialists, people who evolve on the job and those who struggle through the basics with little opportunity for development. In the UK,  the NHS has created a new role of ‘patient safety specialist’, introduced to bring a more structured, professional approach to patient safety. This evaluation article seeks to understand the professionalisation of patient safety, with implications for the further development of patient safety specialists in the UK and other countries. 

Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Continuous improvement
Systems Thinking
The complexity of medication error requires a systematic solution
The complexity of medication error requires a systematic solution

Medication errors remain a stubbornly challenging issue in the provision of safe care. Although we often associate inpatient settings with medication issues, this comprehensive review studied the triumvirate of prescribing, dispensing and administration to determine common causal factors of mistakes and inaccuracies, leading to incidents in ambulatory and outpatient settings.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk
To reduce healthcare quality variation, focus on the process
To reduce healthcare quality variation, focus on the process

Variation in healthcare quality is an ongoing issue. This study seeks to understand how differences in hospital practices and policies can lead to disparities in consumer outcomes and overall care quality. The authors compared process and outcome measures to detect variation and characteristics of hospitals with lower variation.

Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk
How safe is outpatient care?
How safe is outpatient care?

Outpatient safety receives a different level of discussion and focus than inpatient safety. We may not consider that outpatients can experience harm in the same way that inpatients can, which could reduce the focus on collecting accurate outpatient incident data. But even outpatient care can cause life-threatening harm, as this study shows.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Incidenty Management
Risk management
The building blocks of a patient safety culture
The building blocks of a patient safety culture

We frequently discuss the importance of a ‘safety culture’ in human services – but what are the key ingredients? This scoping review synthesises evidence from multiple studies to identify key factors contributing to patient safety culture. Although the review focused on hospitals, the findings are relevant for all human service leaders seeking to build or strengthen their culture of safety.

Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk
Job satisfaction
Safety Culture
Clinical guidelines are not ‘set and forget’
Clinical guidelines are not ‘set and forget’

Clinical Guidelines are developed to standardise practice and provide a solid evidence base for care. They are essential components of clinical governance to support safe and effective care and serve as valuable tools for training.  

As this study reveals, guidelines can also be a source of confusion and misapplication. Ambiguities in guidelines can result in varying interpretations among healthcare providers, contributing to inconsistent care and potential patient harm. 

Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk management
Safety Culture
Showing 1–10 of 17 articles

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