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AICG Articles: Partner with Consumers

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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 50 articles
Stories that transform: A guide to storytelling in healthcare
Stories that transform: A guide to storytelling in healthcare

This storytelling guide is a guide for consumers and their support network who want to share their stories in such a way that they transform the human experience in healthcare. While storytelling is a powerful way to convey experiences in all areas of life, in health and human services it is vital for those advocating for change. 

Clinical governance
A further step towards true partnership: consumer engagement in the diagnostic process
A further step towards true partnership: consumer engagement in the diagnostic process

Historically, consumers have been passive recipients of healthcare services, receiving diagnoses and treatments without active involvement. Recently, that has changed, with co-design and person-centred care part of the treatment process. However, diagnosis has rarely been a domain for partnership (other than in history taking). The article identifies several challenges to consumer involvement, including communication barriers, lack of fit for purpose information, and mistrust or fear or health professionals.

Clinical governance
Person-centered care
Creating an upward spiral of care quality and staff satisfaction - together!

All human service sectors rely heavily on a common success factor: people. Care providers and consumers form a symbiotic relationship. They are two sides of the same coin. This paper explores how this relationship can be designed to create a systematic ‘upward spiral’ of improved staff satisfaction and care quality.

AICG and SPC Partner to Launch Certificate in Clinical Governance for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs)
AICG and SPC Partner to Launch Certificate in Clinical Governance for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs)

The Australasian Institute of Clinical Governance (AICG) is pleased to announce the launch of a newly adapted version of its Certificate in Clinical Governance, tailored specifically to address the unique healthcare needs of Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs). 

Clinical governance
He Ara Whiria - The woven path: Indigenous co-governance of a healthcare service
He Ara Whiria - The woven path: Indigenous co-governance of a healthcare service

In this webinar, Tarati and Jenny presented He Ara Whiria (the woven path), a partnership model of co-governance that is in place at Te Toka Tumai (previously Auckland District Health Board). They discussed some of the challenges and opportunities that arise when weaving an indigenous worldview into the governance of a large public health service.

Care governance
Clinical governance
Lightbulb moment: The one word that transformed consumer focus
Lightbulb moment: The one word that transformed consumer focus

In this Lightbulb Moment webinar, Dr Cathy Balding and her guest, Alex Cockram, discuss Alex's "ah-ha!" moment about the one word that transformed consumer focus.

NDIS participant safeguarding policy
NDIS participant safeguarding policy

The NDIS Independent Advisory Council’s (the Council) paper ‘choice and control to safely live a good life of belonging and citizenship’ recognises the system-wide focus on improving supports for people with disability who are at risk of harm. In response to this paper, the NDIA committed to developing a NDIA Participant Safeguarding Policy (Policy) to guide and enhance the way the NDIA works with NDIS participants and people with disability.

Aged care
Risk management
Introduction of dignity of risk in aged care
Introduction of dignity of risk in aged care

Just because people may be older and potentially frailer doesn't mean that decision-making should be taken away from them. Use this facilitator guide to support discussion about dignity of risk in aged care.

Aged care
Risk management
What is dignity of risk?
What is dignity of risk?

Dignity of risk is another way of saying you have the right to live the life you choose, even if your choices involve some risk.

Aged care
Risk management
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall
When consumer and staff satisfaction rise, costs fall

There are many benefits of enhancing consumer and staff satisfaction in human services, but something we don’t often discuss is the potential financial advantage. Creating a great experience for both consumers and staff can be viewed as a professional and ethical imperative; and also as a strategic business investment.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Job satisfaction
Person-centred care
Showing 1–10 of 50 articles

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