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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 37 articles
The complexity of medication error requires a systematic solution
The complexity of medication error requires a systematic solution

Medication errors remain a stubbornly challenging issue in the provision of safe care. Although we often associate inpatient settings with medication issues, this comprehensive review studied the triumvirate of prescribing, dispensing and administration to determine common causal factors of mistakes and inaccuracies, leading to incidents in ambulatory and outpatient settings.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk
How safe is outpatient care?
How safe is outpatient care?

Outpatient safety receives a different level of discussion and focus than inpatient safety. We may not consider that outpatients can experience harm in the same way that inpatients can, which could reduce the focus on collecting accurate outpatient incident data. But even outpatient care can cause life-threatening harm, as this study shows.

Clinical care
Clinical governance
Clinical leadership
Incidenty Management
Risk management
Organisational design for safety and quality
Organisational design for safety and quality

What skills and experience do clinical governance or similar teams and units need to support your organisation's safety and quality agenda? In this webinar, Dr Sarah Fischer, Acting Executive Director of Safety at Safer Care Victoria, discussed the various roles and relationships to ensure fit-for-purpose teams.

Quality improvement
Safety Culture
Striking a balance between professional autonomy and care quality
Striking a balance between professional autonomy and care quality

Striking a balance between patient safety and professional autonomy is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Multiple challenges stand in the way of a balanced approach, such as...

Clinical care
Clinical leadership
Clinical risk management
Are your consumer partnerships strong? This classification of ‘strength of consumer engagement in safety’ will help you find out
Are your consumer partnerships strong? This classification of ‘strength of consumer engagement in safety’ will help you find out

Consumers’ perspectives and active engagement are critical to making health systems safer and more person-centred. Consumers, families, caregivers and the community can contribute towards improving care-related safety at the clinical (local), institutional (e.g., hospital, nursing home), community (e.g., primary care, home care) and national (in the development of national policies) levels of healthcare systems.

Clinical governance
Consumer partnerships
Safety culture in healthcare
Safety culture in healthcare

In this webinar, Sarah Fischer, Director of Culture & Capability at Safer Care Victoria discussed the elements that make up a safety culture; the steps to safety culture maturation, the signs that indicate success and how culture is influenced at a local level.

Safety Culture
A human factors resource for health professionals and health services staff
A human factors resource for health professionals and health services staff

This comprehensive human factors resource will be helpful for those explaining human factors issues in human services, or designing healthcare systems and environments to support safe care.

Clinical governance
Point of care
A handy checklist for evidence-based consumer safety system components
A handy checklist for evidence-based consumer safety system components

Many years on from the Mid Staffordshire report, avoidable patient harm continues to occur in the UK (and the rest of the world). There continue to be new inquiries and reviews into serious patient safety scandals, all with recurring themes, including failure to listen to patients or learn from previous investigations, a corrosive blame culture, a lack of effective leadership and an unresponsive regulatory framework.

Clinical governance
Clinical risk
When board quality focus goes up, so does quality performance
When board quality focus goes up, so does quality performance

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) reports ‘To Err Is Human’ and ‘Crossing the Quality Chasm’ prompted healthcare leaders to address the patient safety crisis by advancing the systems, teamwork and improvement science needed to deliver safer care to patients. 

Clinical governance
Clinical risk
Risk management
The revolution is here. How will AI change healthcare?
The revolution is here. How will AI change healthcare?

Health and human services’ managers, practitioners and policymakers all over the world are exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This commentary piece summarises a comprehensive report, co-authored by McKinsey Co. and the European EIT Health think-tank, on the potential impact of AI in healthcare. They use the European Parliament definition of AI as ‘the capability of a computer program to perform tasks or reasoning processes that we usually associate with intelligence in a human being.’

Risk management
Showing 1–10 of 37 articles

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