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AICG Articles

Showing 1–10 of 30 articles
Failure modes and effects analysis: a key tool for clinical risk management
Failure modes and effects analysis: a key tool for clinical risk management

This Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Tool, provided by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), is a comprehensive resource designed to help human services systematically identify and mitigate potential risks in clinical processes.

Clinical governance
Manage risk
Risk management
After 20 years of root cause analysis, why do the same key risks remain?
After 20 years of root cause analysis, why do the same key risks remain?

We spend a lot of time on root cause analysis (RCA) – and have done it for 20 years or so. But key clinical risks remain stubbornly consistent.

Clinical governance
Clinical risk
Incident management
Safety Culture
Systems Thinking
The implementation playbook
The implementation playbook

Implementation is often a weak link in improvement efforts to meet targets. Yet the success and sustainability of change depends on it. The Implementation Playbook is a quick reference guide developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to facilitate effective health-related implementation efforts.

Change management
Clinical governance
Making things happen
A framework for developing clinical tools to guide more effective practice
A framework for developing clinical tools to guide more effective practice

Clinical tools for use in practice—such as medicine reconciliation charts, diagnosis support tools and track-and-trigger charts—are popular in health and human services. However, they are given relatively little attention to how to optimise their design.

Start small to solve big problems
Start small to solve big problems

Trying to improve care in human services can be overwhelming. We start out with great aspirations to fix a care quality issue. But as we get closer to the problem it appears to loom ever larger, and we wonder what we’ve got ourselves into. Most care quality issues are entrenched and multifaceted and can’t be solved by a single solution or big-bang change. Often our initial enthusiasm wanes and we default to revising the procedure and running training because everything else seems too hard. Essentially, we’ve wasted time and effort on maintaining the problem, rather than finding the solution.

Clinical care
Clinical leadership
Restrictive practices
Strategies for engaging older people in research for improvement
Strategies for engaging older people in research for improvement

This Perspectives Brief from the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association’s Deeble Institute examines approaches to observations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The authors of this Perspectives Brief note that the Royal Commission ‘identified the need to improve the delivery of health care to meet the needs of older persons and their carers’ and that the ‘greater involvement of older persons and their carers in research to develop solutions was recommended.’

Aged care
A new take on spreading innovation: global guidance, local know-how
A new take on spreading innovation: global guidance, local know-how

Care and service improvement requires the ability to make successful local change, then to transfer this for implementation in other departments and services, or across a whole organisation or sector. However, research shows that highly institutionalised and complex healthcare systems find the spread of transformation difficult, being naturally slow to adapt, innovate, and improve. Change therefore usually happens incrementally and inconsistently, with successful innovation resembling a journey rather than a single event. This is characterised by processes of adoption, implementation, sustaining, spreading, and scaling up.

Change management
A consumer guide to clinical quality registries for care improvement
A consumer guide to clinical quality registries for care improvement

This document provides a useful explanation of clinical quality registries (CQRs). Although targeted at consumers, it will also be helpful for providers seeking clarity on the origin and use of CQRs in their clinical improvement program.

This is what partnering with consumers looks like
This is what partnering with consumers looks like

The East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) has dived deeply into partnering with consumers for service improvement. ELFT provides mental health and community services to a diverse population in over 100 community and inpatient sites.  

Aged care
Clinical governance
Consumer partnerships
Mental health
Accreditation can help speed up the ‘knowledge to practice’ pipeline
Accreditation can help speed up the ‘knowledge to practice’ pipeline

There are many documented benefits of accreditation. These include driving the establishment of organisational structures and processes, promotion of a quality and safety culture, and improvement in care.  Organisational benefits in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and integration of health services, innovation, support for evidence-based decision-making, and increased stakeholder engagement, have also been discussed in the literature. 

Clinical governance
Showing 1–10 of 30 articles
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